“Conde is deeply connected to source, and freely shares her gifts. I highly recommend a session with her.”
Dr. Cricket Wingfield
Portland, Oregon
” Miracles do happen! I am amazed at all that has occurred in my inner being after one session.
Thank you for what you do and what you bring to this world Conde Bartlett.”
Lee Whittier
Portland, Oregon
“Intuitive counselor, CONDE BARTLETT, has helped me see through ONE SESSION, how I can get rid of issues plaguing me for YEARS. I have now been able to UNHOOK other’s FEARS, and ISSUES from my body and spirit that AREN’T MINE.
From one session with Conde, I suddenly understood why I was so fearful. The simple mental act of unhooking others, has improved and TRANSFORMED my life in ONE DAY.
If you have the chance to work with CONDE BARTLETT of Creating Divine Momentum, RUN, don’t walk. She’ll help facilitate your LIFE CHANGE.
Cynthia Mosser
Portland, Oregon