Imagine having a guidebook to your soul that unveils your gifts, and your purpose, while revealing the unique magic you bring to this world…

That Guidebook is Your Human Design

and it’s the secret to becoming who you were born to be

Human design is the key to letting go of who you are “supposed to be” so you can stop living the life you are settling for and become who you were designed to be.  Embody your authentic self, see and accept your magnificence, and unapologetically step into your power.  

What is Quantum Human Design?

Quantum Human Design™ is a synthesis of Eastern and Western Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, The Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra system, and quantum physics. 

Your unique human design reveals your superpowers, life purpose, and soul curriculum.

When you live true to your design you can make better decisions, recover from burnout, understand your energy cycle, see your strengths instead of flaws, and love yourself.   

Everything you want happens with less resistance and more ease and flow.

And the best part? You get to feel like your authentic soul-aligned self along the way.

Amplify Your Inner Magic with Human Design:

  • Uncover your life and career purpose.

  •  Accept and understand your true self.

  • Explore your energetic makeup.

  • Identify and use your unique gifts effectively.

  • Avoid burnout by learning how to use your energy wisely.

  • Live your truth and honor your natural decision-making style.

  • Find uninterrupted flow and step into your highest potential.

  • Gain greater awareness of your character for success in social and career situations.

  • Foster your creativity and increase productivity.

The world needs the REAL YOU — standing in your power, loving who you are, living your purpose, and being happy.



Hey there! A basic reading will delve into your Human Design Type and Strategy, shedding light on your unique energy and decision-making style. Through this reading, you’ll explore how your personal energy functions in the world.

Discover the best way to make decisions, find your true calling, live out your life’s purpose, nurture relationships that celebrate your individuality, boost your vitality and well-being, and kickstart your journey toward the truly fulfilling life you dream of.

This is an introduction to your chart.

We discuss strategy, authority, definition, and profile.

This is the first step to understanding who you are in Human Design.

A video recording of your reading is provided for you to rewatch whenever and a report explaining your chart for you to refer back to.

It’s been a few weeks since my session with Conde for my Human Design Reading, and I’m slowly embracing and learning how to be an Orchestrator. Realizing I’m an Orchestrator has helped me see things more clearly, like understanding why I’ve done certain things in the past.

“Conde gave me great advice on how to live as an Orchestrator. Understanding the traits of an Orchestrator has made significant improvements in how I view my life, my actions, and my decisions. Surprisingly, making decisions is so much easier for me now. Also, hopefully, moving forward, I won’t seem so annoying when I’m just trying to help my friends and family.

I really want to thank you, Conde, for the helpful session. I’ve got some good ideas now for making positive changes in my life and truly understanding myself. I feel more confident and ready to pursue happiness and success.

So, Conde, thank you so very much for being you. You’ve truly helped me find my way to a happier life!”


I have worked with Conde Bartlett for almost two years, doing deep soul work to heal
and harmonize my life and learn to truly love myself. Conde IS magic, and the ways I’ve
honed my intuition, aligned my vibration, and invited the good into my life are grounded in
the work we’ve done together.

Recently, I took the next step in my healing journey and had Conde perform a Quantum
Human Design reading. Before my reading, I thought I possessed a rich understanding
of the self-discovery work we had undertaken together, and yet the reading brought an
unexpected depth to my soul world. It integrated insights and observations into a
coherent framework based on my unique chart and design.

What truly sets Quantum Human Design apart is the way it lays a foundation for the
whats and whys behind our lives that contextualizes our actions, choices, and way of
processing information without pigeonholing a person into a specific way of being. My
chart validates so much about my actions, attitudes, talents, and challenges.
My reading with Conde did more than echo the progress we’ve made together—it
confirmed that our discoveries were deeply rooted in my inherent makeup. Conde’s
reading offered possibilities instead of limiting me to predefined roles or allowing me to
make excuses. In my hour-long reading, I gained clarity about my strengths and the
inherent structured responses, reactions, and ways I initiate action in my life.

Conde’s reading gave me a fresh perspective on how my quirky bits are part of my
divine makeup and reframed struggles as indicators of unalignment with my design. The
outcome was an enhanced purpose and path forward in my journey of self-love. My
trust is bolstered, and I continue to practice using my intuition.

If you are seeking to deepen your understanding of yourself and learn more about how
you navigate the world, a Quantum Human Design reading with Conde Bartlett sets in
motion some extraordinary events. Her reading relayed in her exceptionally kind and
quippy way, will equip you with a greater sense of self-awareness and help you
embrace your beautiful, bright, multi-faceted, and magical self.

Lizzie Jefferson
sacral session

Sacral Session

Alchemist/Generators and Manifesting Generators have a very special Inner Authority that can help them make powerful decisions to find the right work, right relationships, good health, and more. To access this Inner Authority, a Generator and Manifesting Generator sometimes need help activating or  “turning on” their Inner Authority.

A Sacral Session can help Generators and Manifesting Generators “turn on” their Inner Authority and work with them to gain clarity in their lives.

These sessions are for Generators and Manifesting Generators who are just discovering their Inner Authority, or for any Sacral Being who needs to respond to get clarity about a specific life situation.

My session with Conde was very insightful. She gave me clarity and validation and I left the session with strategies on how to move forward in my daily life and business. I also loved the emailed highlights from our session that Conde felt were important reminders which was helpful. Because you learn so much about yourself in the session and Human Design is so new and now you learn a whole new way of relating to the world, was a bit overwhelming, however, she was able to intuitively discern what was key for you to pay attention to and make it easier to understand. Well worth the session.

Marsha Wald,