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Success Stories

Intuitive counselor, CONDE BARTLETT, has helped me see through ONE SESSION, how I can get rid of issues plaguing me for YEARS. I have now been able to UNHOOK other’s FEARS, and ISSUES from my body and spirit that AREN’T MINE.
From one session with Conde, I suddenly understood why I was so fearful. The simple mental act of unhooking others, has improved and TRANSFORMED my life in ONE DAY.
If you have the chance to work with CONDE BARTLETT of Creating Divine Momentum, RUN, don’t walk. She’ll help facilitate your LIFE CHANGE. ❤️
Cynthia Mosser

From difficult times and struggle to fearless empowerment.

“My experience with Conde has been both gently encouraging and ferociously fearless. With Conde’s guidance, I have gone from tentative to enthusiastic. She has made it possible for me to move forward in the most difficult of times. I love working with Conde.”

Kristin Taylor

Chronic pain, grief, and financial blocks resolved.

“It’s hard for me to explain in words all of the healing that took place in the sessions with Conde. I feel as though I had bombarded her with multiple issues of chronic painstress, griefego and financial blocks.  The first session was so powerfully eye opening I didn’t realize that all the issues were connected and could all be addressed at once.”

Katelyn Freeman

The real deal.

A lot of people claim to be transformational. Conde and her process is the transformational real deal.”

Connie Dorigan

From depression, grief, stuttering, and anxiety to confident and happy.

“When I first started working with Conde I had been through some of the biggest life stressors within an eight month period. I had hit rock bottom.  I had lost my Mother and my brother in law.  I had just moved to Portland and started a new job. I had no confidence and I was depressed. I was sleeping 12 to 14 hours a day.  I was sick all the time and didn’t want to go to work.   I was so beat down with anxiety I had developed a  stutter.

Every time I left her office feeling like I was a completely different person.  My perception had changed almost instantly. It only took one tapping session and my stuttering problem was gone. My life changed in a short amount of time.  I went from a depressed super negative person who was struggling at work and didn’t have very many clients, to a top trainer who has to turn people away.

Conde helped me get rid of my depression, anxiety, and stuttering, and replaced it with a positive attitude and self-confidence.  Now I am super happy,  I’m doing great at work.  I don’t know where I would be without her.  My only regret was not seeing Conde sooner.”

Chance Miles

Deepening Spirtual Gifts and Divine Connection

“Conde has consistently guided and taught me how to become aware, manage and communicate with the pain I have been so long attached which always has an emotional source.

The deeper perspective that comes through is manifesting in a clearer picture of my own abilities.

I highly recommend her work as it is tailored to the individual on the spiritual emotional and physical bodies.

The goal of becoming aware of our own inner wisdom is always the goal.

I would rather my mind be opened by wonder than closed by belief.”

In the One Light

Bob White, Shamanic Light

Redesigning a Life, Finding Happiness and Myself

“After my husband of 20 years left me, I was facing a major life restructure.  I had a job, good friends, and thought I had put the hurt of the divorce – which took over two years – behind me.  Apparently, I was in for a rude surprise.  The first dog we adopted together – and the last physical tie to my prior life – passed away after a brief illness.  Seeing my ex devastated over this loss…and feeling my devastation as well…. was too much.  I went out with some friends after work, and next thing I knew I was in an ER room.  I had almost died from alcohol poisoning.  My friends made sure I got help, they made sure I didn’t drive, but they couldn’t save me from myself.  I saw my doctor a few days later to follow up, and she referred me to Conde.

Conde’s program saved my life.  I have found the means to move on….to forgive my ex and most of all, myself.  I no longer need antidepressants and antianxiety medications.  If I do find myself in a bad place, I take a moment and tap it out.  I have a renewed sense of self, a renewed lease on life.  Thanks to Conde’s program I am finally moving forward in a meaningful way.  I am rediscovering myself and what brings me joy.”


“I didn’t notice much physical difference as a result of the sessions I had with Conde and wasn’t sure what to expect.  As for the condition of things in my life, I was very discouraged with the lack of ability for me to use the gifts and talents that I have to help others in life and with the life I was living.  I mean I was VERY discouraged.

Within a month, all of that changed, IMMENSELY!  I marvel at all the things that have happened, now 6 months later.  I was approached by a company to do the work that I absolutely love to do, at an income level greater than I have ever made.  The company was based in one of the most beautiful places on earth (as far as I am concerned) and I am thoroughly enjoying each day.

Now, I can’t say that doing this work with Conde made all of this happen.  However, it’s very peculiar that within a very short time after she worked with me, I am doing and living my ideal way of life.  I am so totally pleased and am very thankful for Conde’s generosity and wisdom to share what she does.”

With great respect,

Jeff Goebel,

Mind-gnawing Pain Gone After 40 Years!

“I was experiencing excruciating pain due to a chronic condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia.  I had been struggling with this condition since my mid-teens, over 40 years; and the current exacerbation for about a month.  Although I had some very positive sessions with Conde I was skeptical about overcoming a physical condition such as this, using her alternative energy healing methods along with oils, tapping, and general mind games. I didn’t think it would work because I had suffered with it for most of my life.

​My key breakthrough occurred in the days after a brief discussion we had where we added a simple change of context of my speech patterns regarding recovery.  The mind-gnawing symptoms began abating and the remaining pains reduced to zero over a period of few days.  I think our discussion was on a Thursday and I was pain free by the following Tuesday.  From a point where I did not know how or if I would return to a pain free normal life, let alone my professional activities; I am now in complete health and wellness and my energy towards life’s everyday challenges is stronger than it had been in the last 5 years!

​Now with occasional sessions with Conde we are building on my new found health and energy to achieve greater successes in other areas of my life!”

John Sheldon,

Life-changing Transformation

“When I first met with Conde, I didn’t quite know what to expect. I believe God brought her into my life for healing and transformation. I put my faith in Him and was willing to do whatever it took to unlock what was keeping me happy and moving me forward. I always had this vision that areas of my life resembled a stick shift being in the neutral position. I knew intellectually I needed to shift to get unstuck, but how? I struggled for years with the inability to switch into drive. I lacked the specific knowledge and skill to make it happen, resulting with periods of my life in a state of hopelessness.

Through tapping exercises on acupuncture points along with daily affirmations, I began releasing many of what Conde coins Limiting Belief Systems, I am now stronger, more centered and confident. Much like the miraculous emerging Butterfly, we are not meant to stay in the cocoon forever. This is where Conde’s talent and vision is relevant. Her approach & style is unlike anyone I have ever met.

When difficult circumstances arise, I am equipped with a set of skills I can put to use for immediate results. I don’t have to stay in a painful place; be it feelings of defeat, rejection, unforgiveness or any other negative emotion. I don’t have to settle, I have the power to manifest exactly what I want out of my life, to write my story. What an empowering gift this has been!

To articulate the change Conde has had on my life is difficult. Sometimes, there are no words. Thank you for sharing with me and so many others God’s light and purpose. For teaching with a great deal of love there is a brighter, more abundant future to claim in our destiny. I will be eternally grateful for her showing me “how”. Conde’s spiritual gifts, insurmountable support and love have been life-changing for me to say the least.”

With gratitude,

Sheri DeGeer,

40 Years of Shame Gone in 5 Minutes

“I had the great pleasure of working with Conde briefly during a class.  Besides working with her directly I got to watch her work with two other ladies.  The entire experience was phenomenal.  Conde is a warm and engaging speaker.  When she worked with me directly, I felt the room full of people melt away and it was just her and I.

We tapped away a shame I had been feeling for over 40 years.  The feeling was a 10 before we started tapping and ended at a zero.  During all the tapping’s I appreciated Conde’s frankness, caring and humor as deep hurts and feelings were released.  It truly was a gift to be able to experience personally Conde’s remarkable abilities as a healer.”  – Kim

Kim W.,

Huge Shifts Happen Fast

Miracles do happen!  I am amazed at all that has occurred in my inner being after one session.

Thank you for what you do and what you bring to this world Conde Bartlett.

Lee Whittier,

Huge Shifts Happen Fast

“I am a firm believer that there are no accidents, and meeting Conde has been a true demonstration of my belief. After recently losing my business which was my main source of income, Conde and I met and we felt an immediate connection. Her spirit is a consistent and gentle reminder that it all works out….. the Universe is always at work.

I was in the middle of writing a rather critical letter to a former business associate and I was quite upset.

After talking with Conde, I decided it was a good time for a session.

After my session I began noticing that as I spoke, I was actually hearing my voice in a new way. I felt more conscious and aware of what I was saying. More deliberate. More importantly, I was unable to access the same frustrated thinking I had felt earlier while I was writing my letter. Yes, I finished my letter……….but I was ultimately calmer, ready to move on, and I felt more at peace with my situation. That was a huge move forward as I had been stuck going through the five stages of grief……….. I suddenly moved straight to number 5. What a blessing! Now I’m back in my power, ready to claim my next adventure.

Conde’s work was powerful for me. I encourage you to experience her healing work for yourself.”

Sharon Korter,