Truth bomb for the day– you are manifesting all the time and you do it with your feelings.

How you feel is your gauge for alignment.

feel good = aligned

feel bad = not aligned

Simple right, not really we are complicated beings. :)

If you are struggling to manifest what you desire it may be time to take a good hard look inside and see what is going on with your thoughts, beliefs and baggage.

In a loving kind way become self-aware to know what you are thinking and feeling so you can shift the negative to a positive and stay in alignment.  You’ve heard it before “be a vibrational match for what you’ve asked for, ” this is what that means.  That is your job, to stay in alignment.

If you are a person who has lived a full life more than likely you have a few wounds, stories and painful memories that have not been processed.  I’m not singling you out, that is most of America!

I have created a FREE ebook to help you understand a simple effective way to release negative emotions and beliefs using essential oils and tapping.

Click the link below to get your copy Now!